The Studio
Drum Selection
GDB Studio uses a Drum Workshop Series kit (18” x 22” Kick, 10”, 12” & 14” toms) – this kit is one of the first and has maple Kellar shells. The DW Black Nickel Plated Brass Snare sounds awesome. All drums have Renaissance, DW or Pinstripe Heads giving that classic warm sound. GDB is also blessed to have a rare Custom Yamaha Steve Gadd Seamless Stainless Steal Snare Drum. There is also the option of a Ludwig wood snare with a traditional coated ambassador head. (Great classic sound.)
We use Zildjian A Custom Cymbals including 14” Mastersound HH, 10”, 12”, 14”, 16” Crashes and a 22” Ping Ride. A few toys include a double row of Brass Chimes, a 22” Wind Gong and various shakers. Also available is a pair of classic New Beat Hi Hats.
We also use a customized electronic kit to trigger our great sample Library including a Classic Ocean Way Drums and the new Neil Peart Collection from the Snakes & Arrows tour.

Bass Selection
USA Peavey Custom 5 String Cirrus. (Peacock Blue)
Electric Guitar Selection
GDB owns a few electrics. Greig’s new favorite is his James Tyler Variax. It is amazing! Recently added: PRS Custom SE. This is a gorgeous electric with Coil Tap and an amazing Amethyst
finish. Sounds great through any of the pedals, hardware and/or software available in the studio.
The Line 6 Variax is one of Greig’s favorites for live use. It is amazingly veratile in creating the sound of vintage Les Pauls, Strats, Teles and even a Martin D-28 Acoustic. It is also capable of creating Banjo and Sitar setups. Through the use of Variax Workbench this guitar can be customized like no other.
Acoustic Guitar Selection
GDB Studio owns two amazing acoustics.
The first is a Taylor 412 RCE Limited. This is made of the same fine woods as an 800 series only without the all the pretty inlays. Greig bought this when he was using and playing a Taylor 514 daily. In his opinion it sounded and played much better than the 514. So, he sold a few things and bought this beautiful Indian Rosewood Taylor.
The second is a Handmade Avalon from Ireland. This L-32CE is absolutely amazing. The voice of this guitar speaks clearly rather you are fingerpicking or strumming. With its Ebony Fretboard this guitar is a joy to play.
Keyboard Selection
GDB Studios have a number of great keyboards to choose from:
The Korg Triton ProX is perfect for laying down the right feeling Grand Piano. The Roland D70 and Korg 01W/fd are also wonderful playing and sounding keys. All of these keys are setup to play any of the others and are ready to control the great soft synths in the studio. We also own Oxygen 8, Ozone, Akai MPD16 and Behringer BCF2000 controllers.
We also are fortunate enough to own a Yamaha TX816 for all those great classic FM sounds.
Be sure to check out the software section below for a list of the soft synth options.
Amps, Speakers, Headphones & FX Selection
GDB owns:
Ampeg B115 (Signed by famed Bassists Tony Levin & Victor Wooten)
AVID Eleven Rack & Plugin
Line 6 HD500
Line 6 Gearbox Gold Plug-In
Lexicon MX200
Amplitube 3
Guitar Rig 3
With all of these options, plus the software and other outboard gear, millions of effects options are available.
Greig bought a pair of Peavey 308si Studio Monitors back in the early 90’s and loves them so much he spent the extra money a few years ago to have them rebuilt and brought back to factory specs. They weigh a ton, look like granite and are amazing!
There are also several headphone options including the industry standard AKG 240, K99, Sony MDR V700DJ and several others.
Software & Hardware Selection
REASON 8 (W/Ultimate Refills)
WAVES Mercury
WAVES Studio Classics
WAVES Abbey Road Collection
UVI Vintage Vault
UVI Retro Organs
NI KOMPLETE Ultimate 10
ARTURIA Matrix 12
ARTURIA Jupiter 8V
LINE 6 Gear Box Gold
IK Multimedia TRacks Deluxe
Our Interfaces include:
Focusrite Liquid Safire 56
MOTU UltraLight
LINE 6 HD500
LINE 6 TonePort DI
NI Guitar Rig 4
Audix D6 Kick Mic
Shure SM58, SM57,
SM81, Beta 87
Rode NT2
MXL Large Diaphram
Audio Technica AE5100
Our Computers include:
Apple iMac (i5)
Apple MacBook Pro (i7)